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Kandi Shanor, Cornerstone Community SchoolCCS Administrator

From Beaver Falls, Pennsylvania, Mrs. Kandi Shanor is in her fifteenth year at CCS. Graduating from the Pennsylvania State University with a Bachelor's degree, she found herself in the Akron area where she worked at an advertising agency for over 12 years. She will tell you the story of how she came to CCS if you ask, "It is truly by the design of the Lord!" 

Having been married to Tim for 20 plus years, together they have Hannah and Caleb. The Shanors enjoy serving in marriage mentoring together. Mrs. Shanor attends and serves in the Women's Bible study and enjoys walking with others in the faith. If there is "me" time to be had, she is reading a book!

When asked why she chose to work at CCS, Mrs. Shanor says, "Cornerstone teaches a love for learning and a love for the Lord. It amazes me how they seek out the unique, God-given gifts of  each child and helps them to grow. I wanted my children to be known and loved. I wanted them to be challenged and hugged! I wanted them to know their Savior and that they were children of the King! I couldn't wait to be a part of this community. I left a career in advertising for the great reward of building God's kingdom at Cornerstone."