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Our Mission 

Knowing Jesus Christ as the foundation of life, Cornerstone Community School is dedicated to educating children in the knowledge and wonder of God’s creation. We seek to discover and develop our students’ unique gifts, so they may be people of service and reconciliation in the world.

Our Vision

Educating children to transform their world for the glory of God.

Our Ideals

As we consider how we are to educate children, the following ideals are foundational to CCS. We believe children need a place where they...

  • Develop values, morals, and strong character according to biblical standards
  • Know that God is the One who created and sustains the world
  • Learn to show respect for others and their property
  • Experience and value service to others
  • Learn to take responsibility for their actions and to some extent, for their own learning
  • Learn in a drug-free, safe environment
  • Are free to be children—to play, to observe, to explore and to learn well
  • Gain a quality education in a supportive, caring environment
  • Love to learn

We desire to implement strategies and programs that are consistent with these ideals in order to be faithful stewards of the many resources with which God has entrusted us.


Our Foundational Beliefs

Cornerstone Community School’s Foundational Belief Statements:

The foundation of the Cornerstone Community School Association is the Lord Jesus Christ as testified to in the Word of God: the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments as explicated in the Apostle’s Creed. On this basis we affirm the following principles.

That as the written Word of God, the Bible is the truth by which the Holy Spirit enlightens our understanding of God, ourselves and the world; and is the absolutely trustworthy authority by which all faith and practice are governed and directed, including the education of our children.

That all people are created in the image of God to enjoy covenantal fellowship with their Creator, and to reflect in character and works the excellencies of their Maker. True fulfillment is found in living under God’s commands, which lead us to exercise loving dominion, responsible stewardship, and faithful reconciliation.

That sin is rebellion against God’s authority and that by sinning we have been estranged from our Creator, our neighbor, ourselves, and the rest of creation. We have become corrupt in heart and blind to the true meaning of life and therefore repress and misuse the knowledge of God which confronts us in creation and Scripture. Consequently, we are wholly dependent upon God for salvation.

That Jesus Christ, our living Lord and Savior, of whom the Scriptures testify, has reconciled the world to God and redeems our life in its entirety through his life, death, resurrection and ascension. Only through Him and the work of the Holy Spirit are we guided into the truth and restored to our original calling.

That the purpose of the education of our children is to prepare them for a life of joyful discovery and wholehearted obedience to their calling as God’s representatives in the world by assisting them in attaining knowledge and wisdom. This calling is to know God and the integrity of creation, to bring all of life into submission under the authority of the Creator, to love all people as Christ has instructed, and to be responsible stewards in their God given cultural tasks.

That God has given parents the gift and responsibility to nurture and educate their children. Parental support and involvement in the educational process is essential, as is the freedom to choose both where and how such education is pursued.

That children are by nature inquisitive and creative. They are entrusted by God to parents, and need loving nurture, careful guidance, faithful correction, engaging instruction and focused exploration of the world as God’s creation.

That the teacher, as a servant of God, exercises responsible authority in assisting parents and the community in the education of children, and exemplifies a model that reflects Christ’s love and encourages the child’s own obedient response to God.

 That God’s purpose for our lives is best known and understood in the context of a faithful community of believers. While the education of children is primarily the responsibility of parents, all believers have an obligation to uphold education through their persistent prayer, faithful work and generous support.

That the integrity of all things under a sovereign Lord may be expressed in the interconnectedness of the academic disciplines, and that the God who created and sustains all things be made known. That our pedagogy and activities address children’s varied learning styles and provide concrete, purposeful and real life experiences.

That Christian schools, organized and administered in accordance with legitimate standards and provisions for day schools, should be fully recognized in society as free to function according to these principles.